Saturday, December 21, 2019

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza - A great family game!

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza!

Now say that 5 times really fast. It's hard to say. Now imagine having to say "Taco" "Cat" "Goat" "Cheese" "Pizza" in turn while laying down pictures of things that don't match the words. Then imagine having to slap your hand down on the card if the word you say matches the card. It's really difficult but fun!

Then add narwhals, groundhogs, and gorillas to the mix.

That's what you get with the game Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

Fun and sore hands. And lots of laughter!
I bought this game a while ago but we only recently played it. It was surprising how much fun we had within the first round of playing it. We can hardly wait to play it again!

The suggested age is 8 years and up, but if you have a child that can read fairly well, then it is probably fine for younger ages. It was definitely no problem for our 7-year-old daughter. She did much better than I did!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Install Oh-my-zsh and powerline fonts on Ubuntu 18.04

I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04 on my X1 Carbon (1st Gen that sat under the bed for years), and I'm actually enjoying using this notebook again!

The first thing I did was install a few basics that included oh-my-zsh. I love the information that the prompt displays for your git repos. Shown below is oh-my-zsh using the agnoster theme. 

Oh-My-Zsh with Git Repo Status

However, if the powerline fonts aren't installed, then it doesn't look so great. The icons show up as boxes with X's in them. 

I didn't have the powerline fonts installed, so I searched for the correct way to install the fonts on Ubuntu and found that a bunch of people were having difficulties.

I ended up following the directions on the powerline font github repo's README, and it worked without too much effort, so I figured I would post all the steps I followed to get oh-my-zsh installed and configured the way I like it.

Oh-My-Zsh and Powerline Font Install

First, install oh-my-zsh.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

After the install, you end up with a .zshrc file in your home directory. I updated the .zshrc file to use the agnoster theme instead of the default theme of robbyrussell. Just update the ZSH_THEME value.

Second, install the powerline fonts so you can see the nice status icons for the current directory of your git repos. You can install the fonts this way:
sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline

Or by cloning the git repo and running their install script:
git clone --depth=1
cd fonts
cd ..
rm -rf fonts

If after running those commands (which probably only needed to consist of the apt-get install), the prompt for zsh has not started showing the nice status icons and colorized branches, then you can update the fontconfig information by creating a file in this directory (create the directory if it doesn't exist):

Then copy this file to ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d.

Followed by running the font config cache command, which will force the font config cache to be update (-f) and display status information (-v).
fc-cache -vf 

It was after I ran the fc-cache command that I noticed the terminal show the git repo status information with the branch and status icons. I used both the apt-get install fonts-powerline method, and the 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Yeoman generator for creating a terraform directory structure for AWS providers...

I use AWS for work, and use terraform for creating the resources. My team uses a common directory structure for our terraform files, and it seems to work pretty well for separating resources between project groups, logical environments, and regions. However, creating new project directory structures can be a pain, so I decided to create a yeoman generator to automate the process. 

Please check out the generator I made, and let me know what you think!

Clone from git:
git clone

Install using npm:

npm install --global generator-tf-proj

Generate a terraform project structure using yeoman:

yo tf-proj